I was induced. I didn't plan on it happening this way, but after reaching almost 41 weeks, my doctor, Mark and I, decided it was best if we get that little girl out soon! So her birth date was set: September 30, 2011.
The evening before she was born had kind of strange feeling for me. I was excited and scared, and I wasn't sure how I'd handle it all. My brain kept coming up with crazy things that could go wrong... I didn't sleep well. I remember coming out of my bedroom to the living room where my mom was sleeping and joining her in watching The Twilight Zone to keep my mind preoccupied until I just needed to fall asleep. I think it was probably 1:30 or so by that time. I awoke again before my alarm went off at 4:30. I got showered, dressed, and readied myself to go to the hospital with my bags. I think I had one of my Instant Breakfast milk shakes... and that was all I could stomach with the anticipation of what was going to happen to me on that day. (I wasn't supposed to eat much anyway, but I had thought I'd be eating more to prep up for all the energy I'd be expending...)
[The next paragraph is where the birth details come up... skip if you'd like! It's nothing gory, I actually had a pretty easy delivery compared to the many awful stories I had read. I just want to have all these numbers and stats around for myself to reference for possible future pregnancies!]
I was induced on Friday morning after my doctor's appointment on Thursday showed we hadn't progressed past 3cm and I was 50% effaced - same place I was at the week before. I went in to the hospital at 5:30am, and started pitocin at 6am. I had actually been having mild contractions that morning already without the pitocin, according to the monitor thingy, so that was good news. And the fact that I couldn't yet feel them was also good news! After getting all hooked up, I basically just waited (chatted with Jennie, Josh, Mark, and my mom, hung out Facebook, watched Beauty and the Beast and Enchanted, ate ice chips...) as they slowly increased increased the dosage. Our amazing nurse Judy (I loved her so much!!!) kept telling me that I was impressive for doing so well. Apparently most women start hating her at about 9 or 10am, when the dosage is high and the contractions are really intense. I didn't feel any of the contractions all morning, even though they were definitely getting more intense according to the monitor. I can't exactly remember now, but I think maybe it was just around 12:30 or 1 when I started feeling the contractions a bit.
It was around this point where my friends and family decided they were hungry. They got Panera. I was jealous. ...continuing on....
By 1:30pm I was at 4cm and 75% effaced, and my doctor came in and broke my water. After that, things got going super fast, at least it felt that way to me. Contractions got closer together and way more painful. I opted for the epidural, and that came at about 2:45. I actually almost missed my chance. There were multiple c-sections happening that day, so the anesthesiologist was incredibly swamped. But she got there just in time when the pain was almost at an unbearable state! The epidural was kinda intense to get, and my back was a little sore in that spot for a few weeks after the birth, but it was totally worth it. For an hour, I had no pain, though I was feeling more and more tired, since my body was working like crazy and I couldn't feel it. Then at 3:45pm my nurse came and checked me again and I was fully effaced, 9cm, and she was in the +1 station. It was time to call my doctor and start some pushing! I remember the entire room changed its look, and all of a sudden it had transformed from labor room to delivery room! There were huge flood lights pointed at me from the ceiling, and tables filled with silvery metal tools wheeled around me everywhere. And faster than I expected, our little girl made her appearance! She was born at 4:54pm, though the whole process felt like just a second passed by as things were moving so fast all around me. She was 20.5 inches long, 8 lbs 4 oz, and a cute little head of dark hair. So perfect.
One of the best parts of the day was that my dad was able to be there for the delivery. He literally drove into the hospital parking lot from his straight, 16-something hour drive down from Iowa and made it there at maybe... 4:30? Close to that. I was about to cry when I saw him walk into the room, but I had to save my energy to keep pushing! It was so great to have family and a few friends there, and the amazing doctors and nurses who kept really good care of us the entire time.
The very first glimpse I got of Annelise was with her eyes wide open. She had the biggest, deepest blue eyes ever! I couldn't believe how beautiful she was! Holding her in my arms felt surreal. I couldn't believe she was mine. Mark and I had a daughter. I had birthed a child. That was one epic day.
I was amazed at how alert Annelise was from the very moment she was born. Her eyes are a brilliant blue and she is very focused.