I'm a full-time working mommy. I get to come home for lunch, and occasionally work from home in the afternoons (it's rare, though, only when work is particularly slow). I'm also exclusively breastfeeding/pumping.
Has anyone ever told you that being a working, new mommy is tough? Well, in case you haven't heard, I'm here to tell you: It is. I think it is especially so for mommies who still nurse and/or pump, as I do. I get up at least an hour earlier than I used to every morning so I can either feed Annelise when she's awake, or pump to save for later. (I shouldn't really complain too much about this one, though. Annelise is pretty consistently an awesome sleeper! No middle-of-the-night feedings in quite awhile!) But when Annelise's sleep schedule is off from mine, I feel like I'm a slave to the pump. Sitting there pumping for so long each day, and then cleaning all the parts and bottles after that. Now, I know I'm complaining a little bit. It's just human nature. (yeah, that's what I'm going with...) But in reality, I really am glad that I'm able to nurse and provide Annelise with breastmilk. It's the best thing for her!
Another tough part about being a working mommy, is the lack of face time with Annelise. I see her some mornings, some lunch times, and usually for awhile in the evenings. Which is great! More than lots of working mommies get to see their babies! But I still get jealous. Jealous of her daddy who's home all day and sees all of her latest tricks, newest vocal noises, or even just getting to change her dirty diapers. I get jealous of friends who come over while I'm gone and get to experience her while I don't. And maybe that's where more of my apprehension to getting a babysitter comes into play. I'm jealous of my baby girl's time. Is that normal? Please tell me it is. I don't mean to say that others shouldn't also enjoy how awesome she is, even went I can't. It's just... something I have to deal with and accept. I can't be with her 24/7!
There are some advantages to being a working mommy, though. I get to get out of the house on a consistent basis, hang out with adults, be mentally productive, and make the money! And we're really blessed that I have a job that pays well enough that Mark isn't required to find another job and put Annelise in daycare. So that's awesome. I also like that I get to have a life outside of the home, and my brain continues to be utilized in more technical and engineering related ways than I would be at home with a baby all day.
You are a great mommy! You must have had a great mommy yourself--ha ha! Mommies who love their children do whatever it takes to give their children the best they can. Some of them do medical transcription in their homes--blech. Of course, it's normal to want to be with Annelise more. Maybe Mark can take a video of her every day or you can do a video chat for a few minutes in the morning and/or afternoon.