Annelise is five months old! We don't own a scale, so I'm not sure how much she weighs, and I'd have to get a ruler and paper out to measure her... perhaps an update for that will come later. I dunno. But she's awesome! And that's all you need to know.
Last update I think I said that Annelise just learned how to roll. Well, she's awesome at it now, and hates when she isn't allowed to roll over after eating. She just throws everything up if she's on her tummy too soon! Totally defeats the purpose of having eaten.
Anyway, she's getting super awesome at rolling, but still only likes to roll to her left. The other day while on a web cam chat with Mark's parents, I think she had just eaten and we didn't want her to roll yet. So we were trying to keep her entertained and still, but she was determined to roll through us anyway! She worked up enough momentum that she rolled all the way over from back to back! It was really impressive, and I'm pretty sure she was shocked with herself. She just kinda looked at the ceiling, not trying to roll anymore for a second. I think she quickly realized that she wasn't on her tummy, and then tried to roll again. She's rolled a handful of times to her right, but she doesn't really like to roll that way.
When she's on her tummy, she now knows how to lift herself up with her arms. She used to just body surf with her arms flailing up behind her. Her arms are always wide spread and crazy looking like that. Like she's Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music running through the fields. She also does a lot of kicking, but she hasn't quite figured out how to make her legs help her move effectively yet. Oh, she does know how to rotate herself around with her arms! She's pretty slow, but she's still just getting the hang of using her arms as functional tools rather than random appendages.
She's also gotten much better at sitting and standing. We still have to hold her up while doing either, but there's a lot less holding "up" and more just holding steady. She likes to lean onto her music table toy while standing and press the different noise-making buttons. :)
Oh, and a couple weeks back she started becoming quite interested in holding her feet. She's definitely got ticklish feet. I like to poke or nom-nom at them while she's in her swing, and she always retracts her legs into a crossed legged position, but then puts them back out again while smiling the whole time. She loves it!
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