Tuesday, March 6, 2012

So curious

Lately, I've noticed that Annelise seems even more curious than she's been in her life so far. The way she'll reach her arms out and touch and hold different parts of our faces and hair is so cute. She's also poked us in our eyes several times, pinched noses, pulled hairs out, and grabbed the inside of our mouths at the teeth. I'm hesitant to ever wear dangly earrings again...

She's becoming much more interested in her toys, too. She has those rainbow stacking rings, and has been loving reaching out and knocking them over. With her Jumperoo, in the last couple weeks she is finally actually doing the things she's supposed to do with the toys - spinning the lizard rattle, batting at the soft toys hanging above her, and lifting the little bug up and down with the weird springy green attachment. (I don't get that toy... but I guess it's meant to just throw around and not fall off?) She also has this really cool music table thing that's got 4 piano keys in bright colors, a rattle that sings to you when you spin it, a sliding trombone thing, and so many other cool stuff on it. She's really only interested in the bright piano keys right now, but she likes listening to the alphabet song, and all the other songs that play when she spins the rattle! I'm not sure when she's supposed to figure out cause and effect, but it seems like she's starting understand it a bit with her toys!


  1. I am SO behind, I didn't realize you had a blog! You'll be so glad you have this to look back on your thoughts and memories with your daughter. I've gone back to our family blog to try and remember when certain milestones happened with them - the posts can be a life (err... memory?) saver!

    1. Yep yep! Blogging is a new thing for me; I don't even really keep a journal in real life. But I figured this is the best way to keep all the amazing things Annelise does in my brain for as long as possible. And then refer back to my notes when a future Baby #2 comes around. :)
