Wednesday, February 1, 2012

4 Months!

Quick update!

Annelise is 4 months old today. We went to the pediatrician this morning for her 4 month well visit. She weighs 14 lbs and 9.5 ounces. That's about 3 more lbs than last time, so she's growing well! She's 24 inches long. She got all her recommended shots and took them awesomely, even though there were a few tears. She also rolled at least 6 times during the visit, all of which happened while we were waiting for doctors or nurses in her patient room. She got too shy around them to show off her talking, rolling, and raspberry making skills! Her doctor did pull her up to seated position, though; Annelise is awesome at sitting up. :)

And our pediatrician said she's been given the go-ahead for starting on cereal! We'll probably get a little of both rice and oatmeal cereal to see which she likes better. And then if she takes that fairly well, we get to try veggies next week! And fruits the week after that! I'm excited to see her face while trying all those new foods. I hope she likes them and actually lets some of the food go inside her instead of all over her face!

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